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Friday, July 27, 2007
Independence to Dyersville – 64.7 miles


Loosely stuffed our wet tents into plastic bags.  Ate muffins and coffee from the nearby Lions Club concession.  Ed rode off for the first leg at 7:00 a.m. with the threat of rain looming over him.  His only concern was for his electronic toys attached to the handlebar.  He had light sprinkles for about 10 miles before the weather cleared up.  Visited Mr. Pork Chop for another famous chop and free watermelon.

Bill and I ate breakfast at a local diner in the Meeting Town of Manchester.  Shared a table with another rider who said he had had it with camping.  He was going to ride to the ending town of Bellevue, pick up his car, and drive back to Dyersville to pick up his gear from the group he was with.  The heat, humidity, thunder, lightning and rain had taken a toll.  Overheard another rider who said he partied all night and decided to begin today’s ride at 4:30 a.m. instead of camping in the rain.  Said he took naps along the way.

happy birthday

Ed met up with us in Manchester before we took off for Dyersville.  In Earlville Bill got caught up in the spirit of RAGBRAI and bought some RAGBRAI beads and got a temporary tattoo of three ears of corn on his calf which earned him a compliment down the road from a gal, “Nice Corn”.

Dyersville, the home of “The Field of Dreams” welcomed us with a ride through the “Tunnel of Dreams” as we ended our day’s ride.  Camped on the nice lawn of the high school.  Good showers.  Dinner tonight at the Dairy Queen.  We all enjoyed ice-cream!  Good kybos, humidity had been replaced with cool heavy mist.  Enjoyed an almost full moon and plenty of fireflies.

  inside tunnel